No resistance from us in this argument!

Cougars in Utah

Utah has long been a state immersed in its desire to be unique, politically and culturally. The resulting utilitarian doctrines have not had good consequences for predators. Stepping back a couple of centuries, Utah re-introduced the coyote bounty; wolves are targeted for removal even before they have returned, and mountain lions are the unseen scapegoat for livestock conflict and struggling ungulate populations.

Even when science supports the compensatory mechanism of predator prey relationships, Utah still pursues the ‘guilty until proven innocent’ approach to carnivore  management.

It is nice to know how to get valtrex online that there are scientific references in Utah that allude to the tough lives that cougars must endure, their elusiveness and extremely infrequent interactions with humans. Utah is also trying to include non-consumptive interests by inviting advocates on to their Cougar Advisory Board. In a state that has one of the most regressive attitudes towards large carnivores, this article and the inclusion of those who don’t regard mountain lions as ‘criminal’ animals are hopeful signs.

Wise words about children, education and safe practices

Only one strike for grizzly bear in Montana

Kentucky mountain lion mystery is revisited

A Tale of Two States

Oregon has made another controversial decision to lethally remove a mountain lion from an area in the town of Bend. The commitment to public safety is indeed understandable and no-one would argue otherwise. The question is, however, whether the knee jerk reaction of immediately killing mountain lions is the very best response to ensuring public safety?

Oregon’s neighbor to the south, California, has a totally different attitude and response to the presence of mountain lions in that great state. The people of California voted to protect cougars from the practice of recreational slaughter. This does not mean that mountain lions are not managed, indeed authorities still respond to situations of public safety and livestock growers are able to protect their domestic interests. The difference is in the way that authorities respond and the receptivity of the public in contributing to their own safety.

Within hours of each other the following two scenarios unfolded. We must question why one was dealt with in a proactive, humane and successful manner and the actions in the other  were reactive and frankly, offensive. How can we encourage states to be sensitive and protect their citizens at the same time? California and Florida prove it can be done. We must ask the states that ‘shoot first’ why they make the choice to do so, because that is all it is…a choice

Ranchers like this need our respect and encouragement

It is rare for a news story to be as fair and positive as this one, that is because in our ‘follow the money’ society, fair and positive does not sell many newspapers. That makes Mr and Mrs Robinett unique, not only for being newsworthy but because it is people like this, people that live from the land, people who produce livestock, who suffer losses and get right back up to face another day, another challenge–these are the people who will defuse the runaway vitriol, the hate, the accusations and the aggression.

An article like this can do more for peaceful buy generic valtrex canada co-existence on lands where wild meets mild, than any group, than any lawsuit, than any politician.

There is no advocacy that can convince people, like Jon and Debbie, to learn to live with wolves. They come from a place of wisdom, of learning that you do not have to kill to survive. You can choose to adapt, to celebrate your livelihood within the challenges of the natural world instead of succumbing to destruction.

Progress is evident when good and caring folk move forward. Jon and Debbie Robinett are leading the way.

More on California’s now famous puma P-33