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EIN: 31-1796418
P.O. Box 122
Jackson, WY 83001
Photography & Video by Thomas D. Mangelsen and Wild Nature Media.
© The Cougar Fund. All rights reserved.
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The Cougar Fund is 501(c)3 non-profit
EIN: 31-1796418
P.O. Box 122
Jackson, WY 83001
Photography & Video by Thomas D. Mangelsen and Wild Nature Media.
© The Cougar Fund. All rights reserved.
Please help us continue our work!
/in Policy Comments, Blog, News, Cougar News, UncategorizedWe don’t ask for your help very often and that is because there is so much to do to educate, advocate, and support sound science in our mission to ‘Protect Americas’ Greatest Cat’ Every summer we give many programs and have a presence at community events. To date we have brought our message, in […]
Killing a predatory animal for humans to have the opportunity to kill its prey.
/in Policy, News, Uncategorizedhttps://cowboystatedaily.com/2024/06/28/gun-club-gets-ok-to-shoot-pelicans-eating-all-the-prized-trout-in-wyoming-lake/ No, we are not talking about terrestrial large carnivores. This is about the majestic American White Pelican. The pelican is federal protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 . Thats right! More than a century ago when utilitarianism was rampant, Congress recognized the needs of migrating birds and reined in the […]
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/in News, Links, PolicyIn this is sad and disturbing revelation we discover that the Wyoming Game and Fish Department did have the option of taking wolf abuser Cody Roberts to court. This undermines all trust in the department. One observation that The Cougar Fund has is that the questions that led to this admission came from the Wyoming […]
Respected scientists identify that the historic value of predators has largely been ignored
/in News, Research, UncategorizedThe News https://insideclimatenews.org/news/19062024/missing-apex-predators-often-neglected-in-ecological-research/ An article released today by https://insideclimatenews.org identifies a study of long term trends in wildlife ecology that seem to obviate the historical contributions of large carnivores in research of other species. This could not be further from the truth. The Study A shifting ecological baseline after wolf extirpation In this […]
/in Blog, News, Cougar NewsCougar, puma, catamount, panther – all names for one of the most mystical animals of the Americas, the mountain lion. The allure of this cat has captivated the imagination of field biologists, hunters, animal lovers, and wildlife watchers all over the world. Once the largest ranging mammal in the Western Hemisphere, mountain lion sightings today […]
The importance of Mountain Lions in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.
/in IDAHO, WYOMING, Wyoming news, Links, Blog, News, Cougar News, UncategorizedThis article https://buckrail.com/why-coexistence-with-mountain-lions-matters/ is a journalistic exploration into the VALUE of mountain lions on the landscape. The article also identifies how we can reduce our negative impact on them. To co-thrive with lions, bears, and wolves, we must change the interpretation of their presence from public distrust and lack of knowledge to appreciation and […]
What does it take to really connect with Nature?
/in California, Blog, News, UncategorizedFor people to care, especially about things they may rarely see, there must first be a ‘connection’, a bond, an indelible knowing that our mutual existences depend very much on the cognitive decision making of the human animal. P22 shone a light on exactly how habitat loss impacts a single animal, yet represents every animal […]
A President’s Unexpected Legacy
/in California, Blog, NewsAs we celebrate Presidents’ Day 2023, let’s take a look at the history of mountain lions in California over the last century. We’ll see why that state has come to be the best example of having both the worst challenges for lions in the form of huge development, and some of the most progressive solutions […]
A pretty cool interview by The Guardian with Cougar Fund Director Dr. Jane Goodall
/in News, UncategorizedWe are always inspired when one of our Directors pops up in a news feed and we will be bringing you more insights into the things that inspire them to support the issues that we all care about. Each Director brings special knowledge, passion, experience and skill to our organization. Dr Jane Goodall changed the face […]
Mountain Lions matter
/in Research, NewsThe University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign recently published a study that compounds previous evidence of the positive role large carnivores, such as cougars, have on the landscape. Known as a keystone species, just like in architecture, lions’ presence or absence ‘holds up’ or ‘destabilizes’ the rest of a structure. In nature it is other species-both flora […]