Colorado authorities successfully haze cougar. Why do states differ when responding?

This story illustrates that although science is constant, states differ in their response to mountain lion incidents. Colorado authorities successfully hazed a mountain lion that had a deer cache under the deck of a family home. The agency removed the deer and made life a little uncomfortable for the lion to deter it from further activity in the area. Yet in Oregon the policy is automatic execution for any lion that is seen near human development. Most states claim to base their protocols on science so what is so different from the science that Oregon is using from the science utilized by Colorado?

Thank you Colorado for not inciting panic and for being realistic about how we can safely and humanely respond to mountain lions.

Media coverage of the controversial Oregon bills

The question is not, ‘Can they REASON?’ or ‘Can they “TALK?’, but ‘Can they SUFFER?’ Jeremy Bentham

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It seems researchers made use of a cruel Government cull to study whether wolves are extirpating caribou. Even though that was not supported, the Canadians are planning to kill thousands more wolves.

A tunnel visioned editorial about the environmental movement.

Notice in this piece how the author doesn’t actually address the issues, just concentrates on criticisms. For this article to have any meaning, a potential solution should have been offered that identified environmental challenges and offered a way to fix them. This is merely a distraction….

Progress happens when states hold people accountable

As you can read in the attached article, a resident of Haines Alaska killed a grizzly bear sow and her two cubs when he discovered them in his garbage. Thankfully, the courts held the man responsible for following and killing the bears. Greater awareness of the consequences of abusive where to purchase valtrex online destruction of wildlife may deter would-be offenders. It is encouraging when states acknowledge the severity of these kind of crimes. They are crimes that target not only the animals but society as a whole.