Just how low can we go?

The truth about wolves sought in Minnesota

Bear 760 is still in the news…

Former New Mexico Rep. Takes on Coyote Killing Contests


Former New Mexico Representative Nathan P. Cote has written an impactful opinion in the Silver City Sun regarding wildlife killing contests. In it, he details the importance of predators to maintaining ecosystem integrity, and all the benefits to humans that come from keeping predators on the landscape.

What really caught our attention was Cote calling these killing contests, “a violation of a key tenet of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation adhered to by ethical hunters, which states that wildlife should only be killed for a legitimate purpose.”

We agree with Mr. Cote – wildlife killing contests are unethical and have no place in our modern society.


5 of 6 lions killed in South Dakota hunt have been females

Wyoming Wolves! 20 years on.