Sadly, states that study cougars generally do it to verify supply and demand levels for hunters

NGPC suspended the opportunity for sport hunting of mountain lions in 2015. We applaud them for doing that, but sadly studying lions in Nebraska is just a prequel to providing recreational opportunity for those that enjoy killing cougars. There has never been scientific evidence that promotes sport hunting of mountain lions- that says we must do this. The evidence that is collected simply allows the agency to maintain a population that can provide a sustainable number to be killed.

Most mountain lion research conducted by states is to enable hunting.–Parks-To-Begin-Collaring-And-Tracking-Mountain-Lions-290377931.html

World scientists report on the status of carnivores

Multiple cougar sightings in Santa Cruz

There have been multiple mountain lion sightings in downtown Santa Cruz this morning. Officials are asking anyone who sees a cat to call the local non-emergency line. This is a good reminder that living in mountain lion country often includes urban areas – proper safety measures should still be taken to keep pets, livestock, and people safe.

Full article:

For more info on how to live and recreate safely with cougars, see our safety tips and resources: Living with Cougars

IDFG comes out swinging.

The following press release from the Director of Idaho Fish and Game illustrates perfectly how easy it has become for public servants to insult non-governmental organizations that disagree with them. Yes, they should be able to correct misinformation in a positive and cordial manner, but the fact that it is ONLY advocates that receive this vitriol is unacceptable. The marginalization of non-consumptive users is as prevalent in the west as sagebrush. Contempt for opinions other than the status quo is rampant from state  agencies. They are tasked with caring for wildlife for ALL constituents. Every where to buy valtrex generic aspect of society has its extremes. This may come in the form of exaggerated or even fantasy depredation numbers or unethical hunting practices. Such incidents do not receive anything less than respectful mentions by agency members in the media. Perhaps it is time for the agencies to actually communicate with everyone, whatever their interest. Humans are the only animal that can make the decisions that will conserve our wildlife and wild lands. Let us try and do that TOGETHER.

OP_ED_ Idaho’s Wildlife Professionals To Advocacy Groups_ Stop Crying Wolf (2)

Florida panthers enter the political minefield

Mountain lion sighting near Cal Poly

Exciting news from Yosemite

Coyote slaughter increases the rate of reproduction