Please help us continue our work!


We don’t ask for your help very often and that is because there is so much to do to educate, advocate,  and support sound science in our mission to ‘Protect Americas’ Greatest Cat’

Every summer we give many programs and have a presence at community events. To date we have brought our message, in person, to more than 2500 people. 1000 of those have been children; in the local school system; at summer camps; from the Fort Washkie Reservation; and from the area surrounding the Fort Hall Reservation in Idaho. 

Here are three short stories to help you understand how much we impact the public in their attitudes towards mountain lions, This leads to enthusiasm and willingness to stand up and be counted when it comes to participating in policy discussions with decision makers.

At the end of April, we were invited by the City of Pocatello to participate in their Environmental Fair. We had never been asked before and this opportunity came out of the blue. Pocatello is quite a trek-nearly 200 miles each way-and the weather was grim…overcast mixed with showers, heavy rain and very cool temperatures. We are nothing if not indomitable! 

When we arrived and set up our booth we were told there had been a mountain lion in the local city park a few days earlier.

Perfect timing for our message to be undeniably relevant in everyday lives.

That day, more than 1000 people came out in the pouring rain (yes, it got worse the closer we got to our destination) and we were thrilled that for more than 6 hours our display continuously hosted folk interested in and receptive to the information we had about cougars. Everyone  was incredibly interested in the natural history, behavior, ecological benefits, and social structure of mountain lions. They came to us with questions and the answers left them happier and more confident about living safely near lion country.

We provided our fun bear or cougar mask craft for children, and as they happily cut around the template and added the pipe cleaner whiskers, we were able to chat at length with their parents and other adults. We went through 300 masks and the accompanying friends and family members increased our outreach to more than 800. Such an amazing chance to turn local news into sound information and advocacy for our magnificent wild cats.

Three hundred more people came to our display in Kemmerer, Wyoming in September They were all so very excited to hear our message

This year has seen a possibility that hasn’t happened for nearly 30 years when trophy hunting of mountain lions was banned in California. Partner advocates in Colorado were able to secure enough signatures for a referendum that would ban trophy hunting there. We will let Cougar Fund co-founder Tom Mangelsen tell this story.

“There are numerous reasons not to “trophy” hunt mountain lions or trap bobcats. Reality is, science shows there is not one reason to kill cougars for fun in order to manage mountain lions.

So, why do we as citizens allow this to happen? A beautiful cat, a public resource, killed mostly on public lands for fun, one person with one bullet, stealing the maybe once in a lifetime opportunity for others to enjoy seeing a cougar in the wild.

In most states where cougar hunting occurs it’s nothing more than “a good ole boy” sport supported by “good ole boy” Game and Fish Departments still operating in the Dark Ages of Game Management. Some, as in Wyoming, simply state that “we are mandated to provide hunting opportunities for our constituents.” Yes, killing for fun, it’s not hunting, it’s not sport, it’s not putting food on the family table.

The killing of cougars in Colorado results in 50% of the deaths being females and seventy five percent of those will be either pregnant or have kittens that will be dependent on their mothers for up to two years. When the mother is slaughtered for sport, the vast majority of those kittens will die from starvation in a den waiting for her  to come home.

We can no longer condone this cruel and barbaric behavior, we can do better, do the humane thing and please support the Cats Initiative!”

We spend a lot of time tirelessly on the road going to policy meetings, offering well researched and substantive public comments.

The advocacy happening in Colorado will be the ultimate ‘public comment’-available at the ballot box and subsequently written into law, a compassionate law of conservation.

And lastly, we support sound science. Many researchers avidly seek answers to the ‘next question’ that is the foundation of good science. These questions help to measure the ecological contributions of large carnivores. What occurs to the detriment of the landscape and its inhabitants when it is contaminated by thoughtless anthropogenic interference? This includes increasing the human footprint exponentially and without holistic planning. What effect do myriad activities, from building walls to trophy hunting, have on our native wildlife? We are currently in discussion to help an extremely valuable area of research, and will hopefully be able to tell you more very soon.

 We cannot stress enough how much we need your help through your gift to The Cougar Fund. When you to extend your heartfelt support of us, you give us your confidence in what we do and your willingness to keep us going inspires us every day. Please don’t hesitate.

We need your help with our education programming and more. Supplies are expensive and we will be in classrooms from now until the end of the school year. One of the biggest investments we have made is the continuation of our remote camera initiative. Media, especially video, is the language of today. We have embraced that and the results have been excellent. Most people, especially those visiting locally will not see a mountain lion, but through technology we are able to bring mountain lions, wolves, and bears and all other animals to the people, without  harming, capturing, or otherwise interfering with their Wild Lives!

Our videos show that animals are  indeed co-thriving, existing together in a shared habitat.

The animals are living their best lives, by giving here you will help The Cougar Fund help those best lives to keep going.

Your gift can be given  at Please don’t wait, we can’t and the mountain lions certainly can’t.

Killing a predatory animal for humans to have the opportunity to kill its prey.

No, we are not talking about terrestrial large carnivores. This is about the majestic American White Pelican. The pelican is federal protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 . Thats right! More than a century ago when utilitarianism was rampant, Congress recognized the needs of migrating birds and reined in the diabolical clear cutting of many natives species. And yes, we digress a little by posting about pelicans, but it is a fact that pelicans are another example of the contributions of a large predatory species that serve the ecological needs of maintaining a healthy landscape.

Ironically, their feeding behavior is similar to the teamwork of wolves.

 They also forage cooperatively: groups of birds dip their bills and flap their wings to drive fish toward shore, corralling prey for highly efficient, synchronized, bill-dipping feasts Source

The notion that killing one species to protect another is endemic and pervasive, and has recently been challenged by sound scientific research. In this case, it is not even the protection of prey, but simply for the satisfaction of fish in a private water resource

Here is just a little information about what those ecological services are.

  • They used to be shot for sport or because it was thought that they competed with humans for fish—though they are now understood to take fish of little commercial value. Source
  • As top predators in aquatic ecosystems, American White Pelicans help to regulate fish populations, contributing to a balanced and healthy ecosystem. The presence of American White Pelicans can serve as an indicator of water quality and ecosystem health, as these birds rely on clean water and abundant fish populations for their survival.
  • American White Pelicans play a role in nutrient cycling within their habitats, as their guano (droppings) provides a rich source of nutrients that support plant growth and the overall productivity of the ecosystem. By attracting birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts, American White Pelicans can contribute to local economies through ecotourism, fostering an appreciation for the natural world and promoting conservation efforts.
  • American White Pelicans can also serve as a flagship species for conservation, drawing public attention to the need for habitat protection and restoration efforts in aquatic ecosystems. Source

Predation is a fact of life in nature. It is vital to the health of prey species and the environment. We must work hard to nullify the old cultural values that seek to slaughter predators whether they are fur, feathers, aquatic species, or invertebrates.

Respected scientists identify that the historic value of predators has largely been ignored

The News

An article released today by identifies a study of long term trends in wildlife ecology that seem to obviate the historical contributions of large carnivores in research of other species. This could not be further from the truth.



The Study

A shifting ecological baseline after wolf extirpation

In this peer reviewed, published analysis led by Drs. Ripple, Wolf, and Beschta  scientists track how the presence of wolves and other large carnivores has not been viewed from the perspective of their historical ranges and ecological impacts.

This is a fascinating study of years of prior scientific papers and provides insight into tangible holes in that research. By excluding  the effects of and changes to the environment that keystone species make, it has led to studies of other species as segregated instead of part of the overarching ecology of an ecosystem.

“A shifting ecological baseline after wolf extirpation Studying an altered ecosystem without recognizing how or why the system has changed over time because of the absence of a large predator could have serious implications for wildlife management, biodiversity conservation, and ecosystem restoration, like diagnosing a sick patient without a baseline health exam.”

Seeing the results

A view of riparian vegetation along a portion of Yellowstone's Blacktail Deer Creek in May 1991. Suppressed heights of willows and alders along the valley illustrate the effects of decades of intensive elk herbivory that occurred following the loss of wolves. Streambank erosion is also occurring along the outside of each meander bend. Credit: D. Garfield

A view of riparian vegetation along a portion of Yellowstone’s Blacktail Deer Creek in May 1991. Suppressed heights of willows and alders along the valley illustrate the effects of decades of intensive elk herbivory that occurred following the loss of wolves. Stream bank erosion is also occurring along the outside of each meander bend. Credit: D. Garfield.

A repeat of the 1991 photo is taken in September 2023. Extensive recovery of riparian willows and alders have occurred following the return of wolves—stabilizing streambanks, shading the stream with canopy cover, and providing improved habitats for terrestrial and aquatic biota. Credit: R. Beschta

A repeat of the 1991 photo is taken in September 2023. Extensive recovery of riparian willows and alders have occurred following the return of wolves—stabilizing stream banks, shading the stream with canopy cover, and providing improved habitats for terrestrial and aquatic biota. Credit: R. Beschta

Photos courtesy of Thomas D Mangelsen unless otherwise credited.

The importance of Mountain Lions in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.


This article is a journalistic exploration into the VALUE of mountain lions on the landscape. The article also identifies how we can reduce our negative impact on them. To co-thrive  with lions, bears, and wolves, we must change the interpretation of their presence from public distrust and lack of knowledge to appreciation and respect.

Many apex predators are also keystone species, they are not pests and vermin. They are animals with a key role to play in sustaining  the environment for the benefit of all inhabitants.

The big picture for The Cougar fund is for humanity to segue from an attitude of utilitarianism to one of a duty of care for the animals themselves. Utilitarianism comes from the perspective of wildlife being present for human ‘use’. They are then managed for sport or for the over exaggerated threat to livestock growing, or even to reduce competition for prey  resources that humans view as a ‘right’.

Predation is hunting and hunting is predation. These are not two different concepts. The ecological contributions made by puma con color far outweigh the attitude of ‘ownership’ of wildlife that is prevalent in states’ policy making.

Credit for photo, Wild Nature Media with thanks to David Neils.







What does it take to really connect with Nature?

For people to care, especially about things they may rarely see, there must first be a ‘connection’, a bond, an indelible knowing that our mutual existences depend very much on the cognitive decision making of the human animal.

P22 shone a light on exactly how habitat loss impacts a single animal, yet represents every animal that will face the repercussions of unchecked encroachment, fragmentation, and the effects of anthropogenically accelerated events such as fire and flood caused by climate change.

P22 lived through every human caused experiment we could throw at him in the lab of LA, from rodenticide poisoning, vehicle strikes, pet conflict, tennis ball machine assault when he was only trying to hide, virtual incarceration in a territory probably only one tenth of what he would command in the wild, and yet he kept resisting our attempts to squeeze him off the face of this precious earth that is his as well as ours.

There are many who will say we should not name or identify a single wild animal for fear that we will careBut if we are to truly expect people everywhere to connect, there has to be a mechanism for caring. If naming an animal can get us involved in preventing harm to all of them by addressing  habitat loss, climate change and unilateral stakeholder decision making, then P22’s suffering through all those trials will not have been for nothing.

A pretty cool interview by The Guardian with Cougar Fund Director Dr. Jane Goodall

We are always inspired when one of our Directors pops up in a news feed and we will be bringing you more insights into the things that inspire them to support the issues that we all care about. Each Director brings special knowledge, passion, experience and skill to our organization. Dr Jane Goodall changed the face of how the world looks at animals when she observed that man is not the only ‘tool maker’. She made it, not only OK, to identify animals by name (imagine if all our dogs and cats and horses were just a number!) but also the best way to remember their sentience and sensitivity. Thank you Dr Jane, you have changed our relationship with the natural world by striving to make the human world more humane.

Grizzly bears, different perspectives weigh in…

With the recent announcement of yet another look at the grizzly bear delisting process moving forward in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, voices are being heard, both expected and some not-so-much. The Cougar Fund was present in Missoula in the winter of 2013/14 when the delisting process started again, again. One of the most avid proponents of confirming recovery at that time was then USFWS Grizzly Bear Recovery Coordinator, Chris Servheen. Now he is taking a different view of how safe the bears will be if they face the possibility of losing protections under the Endangered Species Act. This article presents perspectives from Dr Servheen and other stakeholders as the public and those who feel most affected by bears on the landscape try to come to grips with how states management plans should be drawn up.

Please click on the photo below to go to the article.

The Holidays!!!!

Oh Golly, if you are anything like us, the Holidays are a wonderful time, full of love and celebration….it’s how we get to the place where we can relax and enjoy them that is the challenge!

So many of our friends and families already have much of what they want and need. People everywhere are starting to embrace a more minimalist way of living, especially those who are concerned about the effects of over-consumption on our beautiful planetary home.

This year The Cougar Fund is making it possible for you to make a gift donation in the name of someone you know that loves the earth and the creatures we share it with. We are motivated and dedicated. We strive to provide facts about wildlife, the need for open space, for public lands, for diversity of species including the large charismatic carnivores like the cougar and grizzly where can i order valtrex bear and wolf. How we can help them thrive and how we might accommodate having these magnificent beings on our landscapes with the least potential for conflict. Our educational outreach is expanding and successfully inspiring new generations. We love what we do and are confident your own dear ones will be thrilled if you help our work by giving in their name. You can even personalize the beautiful e-card that will be sent as acknowledgement of your gift, or download and print it to pop under the tree!

Just follow this link, make a donation and the page will open up for you to express your love and send your Holiday Greetings to the recipient. Thank you for helping us, thank you for caring about the natural world. May all your days be as happy as the Holidays.

Cougar Fund Holiday Card

Do western governors really want to preserve and protect the Endangered Species Act, or do they want to devolve it?

Wyoming has been at the forefront of gubernatorial efforts to change the Endangered Species Act. They would like it to become ‘more effective’. The current effectiveness of the ESA interferes with deliberate and sustained corporate exploitation of our environment and the flora and fauna that live there. The question is whether  the ESA was designed to enhance capitalism or conservation?


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The Cougar Fund is 501(c)3 non-profit
EIN: 31-1796418
P.O. Box 122
Jackson, WY 83001

Photography & Video by Thomas D. Mangelsen and Wild Nature Media.
© The Cougar Fund. All rights reserved.