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The Cougar Fund is 501(c)3 non-profit
EIN: 31-1796418
P.O. Box 122
Jackson, WY 83001
Photography & Video by Thomas D. Mangelsen and Wild Nature Media.
© The Cougar Fund. All rights reserved.
Many individuals and some agencies still feel that the key to preventing conflict and keeping people safe is to hunt cougars and other large carnivores in order to “control” their numbers and distribution. However, there is a considerable body of scientific evidence that suggests killing these predators – particularly cougars and wolves – does little to reduce (and in some cases may actually increase) the incidence rate of conflict with people, pets, and livestock.
That is why some individuals and agencies across the country are actively researching, implementing, and evaluating the effectiveness of non-lethal methods of preventing conflict such as fladry, livestock guardian dogs, and range riders. We believe that it is incredibly important to promote these initiatives, and will continue to share information about non-lethal deterrents and conflict prevention in this space. We can coexist.
Thirteen Mile Lamb & Wool Company (MT)
Springwater Trees / Richards Farms (OR)